New York Virtuoso Singers

The New York Virtuoso Singers

Harold Rosenbaum-Conductor

"The city’s outstanding concert choir..." — The New York Times

Canticum Novum Sin

Your Generosity Keeps The Music Alive

PLEASE DONATE to Canticorum Virtuosi Inc., a not-for-profit organization.

Donate Now

The Impact of Your Gift:

Your gift will:
Fund world-class musical performances by a chorus of top professional singers Support innovative programming, including many world premieres (about 500 so far) Support our education initiative. See Our New Notes Initiative Here >

Your gift of any size is meaningful and deeply appreciated. Numbers below are approximate.

$25, $50 or $100 – pay for general operating expenses, such as office supplies.

$250 helps to pay for instrumentalists.

$500 – pays for a recording engineer for one concert

$1,000 – pays for music

$1,500 – pays for the design and printing of our program booklets

$3,000- pays for the venue rentals for concerts.

$3,500- pays for our accountant.

$4,000 - pays for studio rentals for rehearsals.

$4,500 - pays for our bookeeper.

$5,000 - pays for our marketing expenses for a year.

$12,500 - pays for half of the professional singers for a concert.

$25,000 - pays for all the professional singers for a concert.

ALL donors will be listed in our concert programs.

914 582 3915

Please, make out your check to Canticorum Virtuosi, Inc.
and send to:
Canticorum Virtuosi, Inc.
2 Cove Road
South Salem, NY 10590


Matching Your Gift

Your gift when combined with your company’s matching dollars allows you to give more to Canticorum Virtuosi, Inc. Please check with your employer regarding a matching gift.

For more information, please contact Harold Rosenbaum, founder, and artistic director, E-mail: Harold Rosenbaum or 914 582 3915

Canticorum Virtuosi, Inc. is funded and supported in part by the The New York State Council on the Arts, and The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.